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A Happier, Healthier You

Dental braces consist of a system of bands, wires and brackets and their function is to align, anchor and position the teeth according to the orthodontic requirements of the patient.

The way braces system works is by application of sustained and consistent pressure on the teeth which moves them into the desired position. The process of orthodontic treatment has to be done very meticulously and carefully to ensure teeth are moved in a safe manner with minimal unwanted effects.

The typical treatment with braces ranges from six months to two or three years, depending on the type and complexity of correction required. In certain cases, removal of teeth may be necessary to make space for movement and alignment. Braces are typically inspected and adjusted regularly so that we could activate your braces and make sure your treatment is going well according to your treatment plan.

Braces: Services

Smiles R Us Dental

768 Woodlands Avenue 6 #02-06, Woodlands Mart, Singapore 730768

Telephone: 6363 4556


570A Woodlands Avenue 1 #01-03, Champions Court, Singapore 731570

Telephone: 6339 0223


11 Tanjong Katong Road #03-10, Kinex Mall, Singapore 437157

Telephone: 6702 3345


658 Punggol East #01-02, Singapore 820658

Telephone: 69042212


888 Woodlands Drive 50 #01-739, 888 Plaza, Singapore 730888

Telephone: 63658110


883 Woodlands Street 82 #02-464, Woodlands North Plaza,

Singapore 730883

Telephone: 63631669

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